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             Welcome to our Class 1/2 English page!


In our English lessons we learn all about punctuation, grammar and spellings.  We read a wide variety of books and texts, including fiction and non-fiction, and we even create our own books throughout the year!


In Guided Reading we look at vocabulary, how characters feel, retrieving information and even make predictions about what we think might happen next.  We have a large selection of banded reading books which we change as often as possible after reading them at home or in class with a grown up. 


We love to take part in Infant Library every Wednesday afternoon from 2.10pm, where we have the chance to choose and book from the school library to keep at home for a week.  At the end of the session we have a surprise reader who reads a book to us and we are always looking for grown ups from our families who would like to volunteer for this!




We have created our own non-fiction books over the last couple of weeks in English.  We worked as groups to decide on a topic, we thought of our own questions, researched the answers using the Internet and then used the information to compile our own books with a contents page, index and blurb.  If you would like to know anything about 'Sharks', 'Oceans', 'Volcanoes' or 'Elephants', our books are now in the school library for people to read!





We created, learned and then performed a class poem this week in English.  We all love being poets!




