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In Class 5/6, homework is given out on a Thursday and is due back on a Wednesday

This gives you just under a week (and a weekend) to complete it. 


Homework is always based-on what we've been learning about in class and will have either a maths or English focus on alternate weeks. 

Sometimes, we complete topic-based homework assignments too. 


Homework is especially important in Class 5/6 as it prepares you for the responsibility, time management and balancing of your workload at secondary school. 


If you're ever struggling with your homework, please speak to Mrs. Daniels or Mrs. Shorthose; we will always be happy to look at homework with you before it’s due in!


Homework handed-out: Friday 13th March 

Homework due-in: Wednesday 18th March


Please see the uploaded PDFs below for the reading text and comprehension questions based-on the text 'Birds'. This links to our Science Week activities and our recent Science work based-on biodiversity and evolution. 




Homework handed-out: Friday 6th March 

Homework due-in: Wednesday 11th March


Your homework this week is to practise your spellings in imaginative and fun ways. To help with general spellings, you could try this game: 

'Against the Clock'

You need to be learning the list for the test on 13/3/20 (next Friday). 

Homework handed-out: Thursday 27th February

Homework due-in: Wednesday 4th March 


Miss. Twells has set your homework for you this week, based-on the work she's been doing with you in our maths lessons on Area and Perimeter. 


This week's homework is all about approximating (or estimating) the area of irregular shapes.

Remember that an irregular shape is a shape whose sides and angles are not all the same (or regular). Also remember that 'estimating' means you need to make a sensible, educated guess. Use the information in front of you to think carefully about your answer.


As always, if you need any help with your homework, please ask any of the adults who work with you in class, who will be happy to help you (before the hand-in date next Wednesday). 


Have fun!


Homework handed-out: Thursday 6th February

Homework due-in: Wednesday 26th February


Homework handed-out: Thursday 30th January

Homework due-in: Wednesday 5th February


This week, we'd like you to have a go at a MathsDrill sheet. It's a really good way to practise your arithmetic and calculation skills. 

Homework handed-out: Thursday 23rd January

Homework due-in: Wednesday 29th January


You have a comprehension activity based-on Theseus and Minotaur. If you need a new copy of the text, please ask us and we will print you one off.


Year 5 questions:

Year 6 questions:

Homework handed-out: Friday 17th January

Homework due-in: Wednesday 22nd January


This week, we've given you some maths homework based-on decimal numbers.

Year 5 - you are comparing and ordering numbers with up to 3 decimal places.

Year 6 - you are rounding decimals.

Remember the rhyme: 

0-4 = slide down to the floor

5-9 = climb up the vine

Year 6 - I would like you to only complete page 51. You do not have to complete page 52 (but are welcome to have a go at some of the questions if you want to do extra for revision)!

Please complete columns A and B (C is an extension if you want to have a challenge). 

We have done lots of work in class on decimals this past week so hopefully you feel confident to give it a good go.

If you need any help with your homework, please ask Mrs. Shorthose or I and we will go through it with you! 


Homework handed-out: Friday 13th December

Homework due-in: Wednesday 8th January



Thank you for all of your hard work over this term

(and thank you to your parents/carers for all of their support too). 


We don't want you to complete any formal maths or English homework over the Christmas break - it's a time to chill-out and spend time with friends and family!


We've added a little calendar below with some festive activities to complete. You don't have to complete them in order or do them all, but it would be brilliant if you could try and do a bit of reading and practise your times tables. 


Above all, have lots of fun, be helpful (Christmas can be stressful for grown-ups) and rest! 

We'll be hitting the ground running in January. 


Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy start to 2020.

With love from, 

Mrs. Daniels and Mrs. Shorthose.


Homework handed-out: Thursday 5th December

Homework due-in: Wednesday 11th December

Done. yes


This week's homework is an ENGLISH piece, based-on clauses. 

We've been looking at using a variety of clauses in our writing to make it more interesting and varied. 


As always, if you need any help with your homework, please ask Mrs. Daniels or Mrs. Shorthose.


