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This year has been one of the most difficult years of my life. The hardest thing for me has been not being able to spend time with my loved ones, including all of you! However, it has also been a year of retrospection, appreciation, and perseverance. I have learned a lot about myself this year and I have had the time to do the things that I used to love. Therefore, even though this year has been challenging for so many reasons, it has taught me to appreciate what I do have, and to never give up in the face of adversity – hope keeps us going to find the light, and the light is closer than ever!


For our PSHE lesson this week, I’d like you to do some reflecting on the past year. What have you learned about yourself? How have you felt through all of the changes? It is important to be able to recognise how you feel and remember that it is always okay to not be okay. I’d like you to think about how your feelings might have changed ever since the first lockdown in March of 2020 (can you believe this was a whole year ago?!). When you have found things difficult and you have felt a bit down, what did you do to make yourself feel better?


After you have spent some time reflecting, I would like you to create either a poster or PowerPoint presentation. I want you to express how you have felt throughout this past year, both the positives and the negatives. It is important to be able to recognise and talk about both things that make us happy and things that make us sad. In your presentation, you might want to discuss how you have coped, e.g., keeping in contact with friends or finding new hobbies. You could also talk about how the world has changed in the past year – how has the world come together? You might think about the NHS and Captain Tom Moore. What other significant events have taken place during this pandemic?


There is so much you could talk about in this presentation. I want you to delve deep and be brave! Talking about your feelings can be difficult, but it shows great courage. If you would like to, it would be lovely for some of you to present your posters/PowerPoints next week when we are back in school.

