Class Blog
World War 2 Displays
Shang Dynasty Day - We have been experiencing Chinese food, Willow Pattern plate making and Jade carving (with soap!)

Mayan Day! We sampled lots of chocolate in Hot Chocolate and yummy truffles. We also made tortillas and guacamole, all finished off with a great game of Pok - a - Tok.

Christmas themed Science challenges! We were challenged to build Santa a new sleigh. Its has to be big enough to carry all of the presents, light enough to fly and be able to float on the sea fully loaded. We did amazingly well!

News Flash:- 13.10.22 - Science Morning at Rosliston Forestry Centre.
This morning we walked to Rosliston Forestry centre and took part in the Rolls Royce Science morning. We were discussing and improving our knowledge on Forces. We were investigating, thrust, trajectory, air resistance, upthrust, weight and surface area, through a number of investigations. To carry out our experiments, we used sling shots, newton meters and water balloons. We had a super time and loved the sling shot and parachute experiments the most!
Newsflash: 4.10.22 Collecting Autumn Leaves
Today, we went for a local stroll. We're so lucky to live in the National Forest and are so grateful to have the Forestry Centre on our doorstep!
We walked through the churchyard and then through the field to the forest. We were on the lookout for autumn leaves. We wanted red, orange and yellow leaves, crispy, crunchy leaves, leaves of all different shapes and sizes!
We're going to use these as inspiration for a whole-school art and writing project. This will be displayed in our entrance way, so look-out for it in a couple of weeks!
Newsflash: 13.9.22 School Councillors
Our class have pitched to each other if they wish to stand for a School Councillor role this year. Each candidate thought carefully about their roles and sold themselves really well! We can reveal that the votes have been counted and verified and.... the councillors will be revealed on Friday 16th September!
Well done to everyone for taking part - even if in support of a candidate - the whole class contributed and demonstrated core British Values of democracy and respect, as well as our school values of respect, creativity and hope!
Newsflash: 6.9.22 Class Charter
Newsflash: 5.9.22 House Captains
House Captains
Yesterday, our class voted for this year's house captains. We're really proud of our four pupils who were chosen, by their peers, to lead our houses this year.
The class considered carefully and the winners are pictured below:
These four pupils will lead our four houses (Sycamore, Lime, Ash and Oak) throughout this year. We expect them to lead with respect, kindness and support for their housemates. They will be an asset to the school in counting-up house points every week, keeping a running total so we know who has won the House Treat at the end of the year. They'll also lead their house during whole-school events. Well done and good luck in your leadership!