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Late/Absence Procedures

As you are aware, it is really important that the children attend school every day of the academic year and that they are on time.  Any absence is not only disruptive to your child's education, but also to the other children in their class.


If they are going to be late or missing school for any reason, please let us know as soon as you can.  By working in partnership together we can ensure your child's safety and well-being.


Late Arrivals

If your child arrives at school after the gates have been closed (8:55am), please bring them directly to the school office where you will need to sign them in - stating the reason for the late arrival.


Late Collection

If you are going to be late in collecting your child (3:15pm EYFS, 3:20pm rest of school), then please make every effort to let us know as soon as you can.  This can be quite distressing for children and this will enable us to reassure them that you are safe.


Planned Absence

If you know that your child will not be attending school in the near future for any reason, you must complete a 'Leave of Absence' form with an accompanying letter to explain, in detail, the reason for the absence.  These are available from the school office.  Absences will only be authorised under exceptional circumstances and absences of 5 days or more will be referred to Missing in Education and Child Employment Services (MECES), who may issue a Penalty Notice, which incurs a fine.


If your child needs to attend a medical appointment that you are unable to organise outside of the school day, please provide a copy of the appointment letter to confirm the reason for their absence.


Unplanned Absence

If your child is unable to attend school due to illness, please telephone the school office on the first day of the absence by 9am and either speak to a member of staff or leave a message on the voicemail service.  You may be required to provide medical evidence to support the absence.


If your child is absent from school and we have not heard from you, a text message will be sent out.  If we still have not heard from you by 9:30am then we will begin telephoning all of the contact numbers that we hold for you.  If we are unable to reach anybody to confirm the absence then we will contact Derbyshire Police.  This is to ensure the safety of all of our pupils.
