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Ofsted and Performance Data


Please find below our most recent Ofsted report (2023) and our previous report (2019).

Click this link to find our page on the Ofsted website. 

Overall effectiveness: Requires improvement

The quality of education: Requires improvement

Behaviour and attitudes: Good

Personal development: Good

Leadership and management: Good

Early years provision: Requires improvement


We are thrilled with the overwhelmingly positive feedback in the OFSTED report. Please do read it in full to see exactly what makes our school so special. We've chosen a few of the amazing comments within and shared them below:


"This small school is a great hive of activity at the heart of the village community. Leaders use many local resources to enrich pupils’ education. Pupils feel safe and happy. Parents highly value the school’s nurturing ethos. One parent commented that, ‘Staff make school life an extension of family life.’ Pupils and staff express similar feelings. They talk about how they know and care for each other and say that the school feels like one big family."


"Pupils show great enthusiasm for every aspect of school life. They behave well in lessons and get on with their work. All ages support and encourage each other in many active games at playtimes. Pupils know that bullying is not tolerated."


"Parents greatly appreciate the stability provided by the (acting) headteacher. They say the school has improved considerably and provides greater opportunities for pupils. The few staff members go to extra lengths to provide many after-school activities."


"Pupils enjoy the sports, craft and singing clubs. They are proud that their athletics team has reached the county finals. Leaders have increased ambitions to enable pupils to ‘reach for the sky’. They are working hard to ensure that pupils can achieve consistently well across the curriculum."


"The arrangements for safeguarding are effective."


Please come and speak to us if you would like to know more about the improvements we have been making.


“The government did not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.”

The headline data for Key Stage 2 - 2023/2024 is as follows:


Pupils Achieving Expected Standard or Above in Reading, Writing and Mathematics

Reading         80%

Writing           46.7%

Maths            53.3%

R, W, M         26.7%


Pupils Achieving Higher level of Attainment in Reading, Writing and Mathematics

Reading         26.7%

Writing           0%

Maths            20%

R, W, M         0%


Average 'Scaled Scores' in Reading and Mathematics

Reading         106.3

Maths             102.3


Average Progress in Reading, Writing and Mathematics




The headline data for Key Stage 2 - 2021/2022 is as follows:


Pupils Achieving Expected Standard or Above in Reading, Writing and Mathematics

Reading         80%

Writing           70%

Maths            40%

R, W, M         40%


Pupils Achieving Higher level of Attainment in Reading, Writing and Mathematics

Reading         10%

Writing           20%

Maths            20%

R, W, M         0%


Average 'Scaled Scores' in Reading and Mathematics

Reading         105

Maths             102


Average Progress in Reading, Writing and Mathematics


Writing          *Awaiting Progress Scores* 

