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Class 5/6



What an amazing couple of weeks we've had! We've completed some fantastic lessons and learning, as well as having lots of fun! There is a slideshow of photographs below this post, have a look at what we've been up to!


We completed a 'White Rose Maths' bakery project, using lots of different mathematical skills including: the four operations to calculate profit and loss, our knowledge of 3D shapes, area and perimeter to design packaging, measures - using, comparing and converting units - and using money. The best bit was at the end of the week when we actually made our own fairy cakes (with lots of help from Mrs. Shorthose). They were delicious! 


We've designed and made our own WWII medals out of air-drying clay. We've left them to dry and will be decorating them next week. We loved looking at examples of real medals from Mrs. Daniels' Grandad and learning what they were awarded for online. 


We completed our SRE lessons and the children were sensible, mature and thoughtful during these sessions, asking appropriate and relevant questions. Well done! 


We went on the first of our two trips to the National Memorial Arboretum and learned all about Evacuees during WWII, as well as looking at the amazing memorials and showing our respect to all of the armed forces. We really enjoyed a peaceful, thought-provoking day out!


In our RE lessons, we looked at the bible story of Adam and Eve and temptation. We designed our own comic strip of the story and thought about temptation - whether it's positive or negative and what messages we can take from the bible on this subject. 


Nathaniel won our Class 5/6 Superstar award last week for being helpful, considerate, mature, kind and supportive towards his peers! He earned some extra break with his friends and an extra gingerbread man treat from Mrs. Daniels! 


This week, Frankie won the award! She's working so hard in all of our lessons and was an absolute asset during our Sports Day! Although not chosen as a team captain or sports leader, she was so helpful and eager to support everyone - she was especially helpful to Mrs. Daniels throughout. Well done, Frankie! 


Finally, we have to talk about our Sports Afternoon! We were so worried that the weather wouldn't be on our side and we'd be rained-off. Despite a drenching when we first arrived at the field, we persevered and decided to hold our nerve. After the downpour, the clouds subsided and we enjoyed a truly wonderful afternoon under blue sky! Our class were brilliant and really helped the event run smoothly! The sports leaders (six fantastic Year 6s) and lots of other helpful members of our class worked hard to ensure the races ran smoothly. Not only did the class help run the afternoon, they all gave their absolute best during their races! Great teamwork and sporting attitude from everyone. Huge congratulations go to the RED team for their amazing achievements and for winning the day and well done to our captain, Olivia, who was nominated by her teammates and proudly lifted the trophy!


All-in-all, a brilliant couple of weeks. We can't believe we're in the final week and a half in school! Time is flying by. 


PS. Is it coming home?!




Our Slideshow (11.7.21)



To say it's been a busy couple of weeks in Class 5/6 would be a huge understatement! We've been working so hard both inside and outside the classroom and have enjoyed some fantastic wider curriculum learning opportunities! 


We had a visit from a real-life author, Chris Martin, who joined us virtually via a Zoom video call. He introduced us to his super detective, Inky and the case of the missing keys! Chris writes 'Whodunit' stories and his session really inspired us to write our own! We all had Mrs. Daniels guessing who the culprit was! We were really impressed with the children's writing and their engagement and effort during Chris' session. He was really kind about our amazing reading abilities and enthusiasm too! There's a photograph of Chris in the slideshow below. 


In Science, we've been continuing our work on 'Forces' and a couple of weeks ago, we designed and made our own boats! Thank you SO much for sending-in your recycling and materials for us to use. We tested the buoyancy of our boats by using a paddling pool and weights. We had some fantastic designs and the children thought very carefully about how to make their boats float. Although all the designs were great, there was a clear winner - can you spot the winning boat in our photo slideshow?


To get us in the mood for the Euros, Mrs. Daniels came up with an exciting idea to motivate us and encourage us to work as year group teams. Each year group has their very own sticker collection book and are working hard to earn stickers from the adults in class! We have some time throughout the week, to stick stickers in and the team with the most at the end of the tournament is going to win a prize! 


On the same trend, Mrs. Daniels asked one of her friends (who is a resin artist) to create us a little award to earn weekly in class. As well as our brilliant 'Reach for the Sky' certificates and Dojo points, pupils in our class can now become a 'Class 5/6 Superstar'. This can be awarded for anything that the adults are impressed with, whether that's behaviour, attitude or work. Our first winner is: Jessica, who won the award this week for her amazing maths mastery - having shown brilliant reasoning skills and explaining her logic well! Well done Jess! You can see the award in the slideshow below! 


Last week, we supported the local community and completed a 'litter pick' around the village. The Parish Council invited us to take part and we enjoyed working together to keep Rosliston tidy. You can see some photographs of us in our high-vis jackets with our litter pickers below. 


We've had visits from teachers from William Allitt and John Taylor in the past two weeks! The teachers visited pupils in Year 6. Secondary schools are working hard to continue with their transition arrangements, in spite of COVID restrictions, and we'll keep you posted as and when we hear any updates. 


We continue to feel super proud of our class and how they're coping with the tricky times we're enduring at the moment. We know sticking in our bubble can sometimes be challenging, but Class 5/6 have made a real effort to support each other and work hard, as well as making sure we have lots of fun. We've introduced some new mini leader games and some new equipment at break times to help the children occupy themselves. It seems to be making play times much more enjoyable for us all! Keep up the great work! 


The children have completed some wonderful work over the past couple of weeks and are enjoying our lessons in school. As always, if you have any questions or queries, please do get in touch via the school office. 


Thank you! Have a lovely weekend and remember - not long until the summer holidays - let's have a wonderful final few weeks! 





WOW! What a fantastic week in Class 5/6! We've had so much fun and have created some fantastic work. 

We looked at WWII propaganda posters in English this week. Mrs. Daniels always tells us that it's important to be able to 'write for a range of purposes' - which means writing different things for different reasons, such as: letters, diary entries, poems, narratives, reports etc. We studied real-life examples of propaganda posters, including some very famous ones. We looked at their features and considered what their purposes were: to inspire, motivate, reassure, boost morale, encourage, provide humour, persuade or convince. Then, we looked at persuasive language and devices as part of our weekly SPaG lesson. Once we'd got a great understanding of existing posters and what made them successful, we designed and made our own! Some examples can be found on 'Our Best Work' page! 

In maths this week, we've been looking at Fractions! We started with equivalent fractions, which was great revision and reminded us why we need to be times tables experts! Then, we moved on to ordering and comparing fractions. Once we were confident with this, we added and subtracted fractions. Finally, we finished with multiplying and dividing fractions. We all did really well and realised that once you know how, calculating with fractions is pretty simple! We also considered some greater depth skills by looking at reciprocals! 

Science this week has involved planning an experiment (to be carried-out during the first week back after half-term), based around friction! We've been really enjoying learning about forces. 

We researched Christian Aid (the charity) in RE and made posters about the amazing work they do. Some of these posters can be found on our 'Best Work' page. This was part of our wider learning about how religions demonstrate charity. We had a PSHE lesson about 'The Big Ask' from the Children's Commissioner too.

Friday morning was AMAZING - Mrs. Daniels and Mrs. Shorthose surprised us with an Air Raid! The classroom was pitch black, with masking tape over the windows (ask us about why this was the case) and there was a LOUD air raid siren screeching. The classroom was messy, with upturned chairs and debris strewn across the floor. We had to huddle together under the tables - imagining they were shelters (we talked about Anderson and Morrison shelters - ask us what the difference is) and then the siren stopped...and all of a sudden...we could hear the distant thump of bombs... then the humming of V1 rockets! Mrs. Daniels mimicked the sounds and effects of the bombs by bouncing a basketball around in the darkness and banging the tables as if bombs were dropping on the roof of the shelter. It was really scary but a great experience! We talked about our feelings and emotions and developed interesting vocabulary to describe what it must have been like to have lived through it. We sadly didn't get any photos of this, as we were too busy having fun!

Mrs. Daniels has now taken-over teaching us French and we had our first French lesson together on Friday afternoon. We revisited basic conversation and learned how to say our names in French, which was fun. After half-term, we've got some really exciting French lessons planned.


Thank you all for a lovely week. Have a brilliant half-term holiday. We look forward to seeing you all and hearing about your adventures on Tuesday 8th June (don't forget: Monday 7th is an INSET day, so no school for the children). Also remember, we've got our virtual author visit from Chris Martin on Tuesday morning, so if you can think of any questions for him, make a note so that you can share them with us. 







We've had a really fun week in Class 5/6! We've been looking at translations and reflections in maths, which provided some brain-teasing exercises for us and some brilliant mastery problems to solve and explain. We did a 'Knowledge Check' on Friday (Mrs. Daniels called it that because it wasn't a test or formal assessment - she just wanted to know which areas we need to work on moving forward). We identified that we need to re-cap fractions, so that's what we'll be doing next week. In English, we imagined we were evacuees during WWII, just like Carrie in our current class text 'Carrie's War'. We wrote fantastic letters on Friday, imagining we had been evacuated from a big city in England (some of us chose London, but others chose significant cities such as Sheffield, Coventry and Liverpool - ask us why those cities were evacuated!). We learned a lot about the three waves of evacuation and watched interviews and read letters from real evacuees! 


In our wider curriculum lessons this week, Mrs. Daniels was SUPER proud of our stunning Blitz Skyline artwork - have a look at 'Our Best Work' page to see some examples. We did a really fun science experiment this week with modelling clay and water - testing out water resistance, considering surface area too. We've got some photos of that on 'Our Best Work' page too. We looked at Muslim and Christian charities in RE, had a debate about WWII evacuation and had our PE and French lessons as normal. 


Next week, we've got some exciting lessons planned - including a science experiment, looking at friction and a music lesson linked to our history topic (WWII). Keep your eyes peeled for some fantastic work!






Time is flying by! Only two weeks left until May half-term already. 


We've had a good week in class. We've had some fun lessons based-on angles in maths and we've had some interesting English lessons based on a short film called 'Eye of the Storm'. We've researched how and why the sea played such an important part in WWII, looking at U-Boats, The Royal Navy, D-Day and Pearl Harbour. We'll continue with this next week and link it to our science - considering buoyancy and the forces involved in floating. 

In RE this week, we looked at how Christians demonstrate their faith through art. We made our own stained glass window artwork. We've had a couple of mindfulness sessions this week, recognising Mental Health Awareness week. We've practised our handwriting, had our spelling tests and also enjoyed a Now Press Play experience on Friday afternoon, which taught us a lot about WWII and what it felt like to be alive during that time. 

We had a mature conversation on Friday about behaviour and how we can improve some of the little niggles that we were experiencing in class (being a bit chatty and fussy). The children in our class were FANTASTIC at drawing-up our renewed class charter - an agreement we've made together and promise to commit to, to ensure we can continue to work and play in a safe, happy, respectful environment. I've uploaded a copy of our class charter below. 


Your writing this week was WONDERFUL! We focused on personification and descriptive language. I'll be uploading some examples on our 'Best Work' page next week, so keep your eyes peeled. Great work everyone! I'm so excited for our Greater Depth potential! Keep it up! 


Your homework this week is based-on angles, which we've been working on in class. If you need any help, do let us know on Monday morning. Well done to those of you who had a chat with Mrs. Daniels and sought a bit of advice already. 


Here's to another great week next week! 


Class Charter - May 2021



What a week?! We've had so much fun in class - parachute experiments, designing maths games and activities involving the four operations and learning about Islamic artwork. I'll shortly be uploading some photographs to our 'Best Work' page, so do have a look! I've really enjoyed being back with you all this week - we're really getting back into the swing of life in Class 5/6.


Your homework this week is based-on word classes. It's really helpful to do some recapping of the different types of words in the English language, and the jobs they do. 


Please look at the next spelling list for next week - words including available, bargain and cemetery. 


As always, any questions or queries, you can always talk to Mrs. Shorthose and I (or any of the adults in class)!



'Guess who's back?...'


I just want to say a huge 'Thank you' to you all for making me feel so welcome since I've returned to school from my maternity leave! Despite the strange year and school running slightly differently to how I remember due to COVID, it's like I've never been away!


I can tell from your work that you all tried incredibly hard with all of your home learning and lessons in school over the past year! I'm very grateful to Miss. Mee for taking such great care of you all and for giving me so much information about what you've all been learning about whilst I've been out of school. 


So, what's happening in Class 5/6 at the moment?


Our theme for the summer term is: 'Land, Sea and Air!' This theme comprises: European and worldwide geography, World War II as our historical focus and Forces in science. We'll also be re-capping skills in maths and English, as well as studying our new class text: 'Carrie's War' and investigating new mathematical topics. We'll be continuing with VIPERS to support our reading and comprehension skills and we'll be using Sumdog and other resources to support us with our arithmetic and calculations in maths. We'll be continuing with our French lessons, developing our conversational skills. We'll be learning about air raid shelters and designing our own in Design Technology. In PSHE, we'll be learning about keeping safe and decision making. RE this term will include looking at different religions and how they demonstrate their faith - learning about religious and significant buildings, texts and art. On the topic of Forces in science, we'll be investigating different forces - this week, it's air resistance and its impact on parachutes! We'll also be looking at buoyancy and designing our own boats (with links to WWII). In Computing, we'll be learning all about programming. We've started this already by looking at the PRIMM model! We'll be getting outside in the sunshine as much as possible too - like we have already, when we experimented with our paper planes in science and completed a shape hunt in maths! 


*We'll continue to have PE on Mondays and Thursdays.

*Homework will be given out on Thursdays and will be due back on Mondays. It will alternate between English and maths. 

*You have been given your spelling lists for the next few weeks, and some activity ideas to help you practise. You will be tested on your spellings on a Friday. 

* We won't be hearing you read (1-1 with an adult) regularly in class, as we hear you read daily when we share our class text and read aloud together. We may have dedicated reading sessions sometimes, when an adult will ask to hear you read and may ask you VIPERS questions about your book. We want you to really enjoy reading, so we encourage you to read a variety of different text types; things that interest you and you will enjoy sharing with us! This could be the newspaper, magazines, football commentaries, film summaries/synopses or information texts about your hobbies. Remember to read regularly at home, as that'll really help you develop your VIPERS skills in readiness for secondary school and beyond! 


If you ever have any questions, please do ask either Mrs. Daniels or Mrs. Shorthose - or any of the adults who help us in class! There's no such thing as a silly question! 


It's so great to be back with you all. I'm really looking forward to an exciting term!



Where has the year gone?! I can't believe that my time at Rosliston is finally over. I genuinely mean it when I say that I could not have asked for a better class to cover for. You have all made me smile and laugh every single day, and you have given me memories to last for a lifetime. 


Please continue to believe in yourselves and strive for success. You all have such incredible potential and I know that - whatever you choose in life - you will be just wonderful. Although I am sad to leave today, I am leaving with a big smile on my face because you have made me so proud. Never forget how amazing you are, and always remember my mantra... be your own biggest fan. The only opinion that matters is your own. Be brave. Be confident. Be you.



Handing the page back to Mrs Daniels now smiley



Comic Relief 2021




We have had SO much fun in Class 5/6 this week! It has been amazing having all the children back in one classroom - it is definitely a lot louder again, but we love it!


To ease the children back into school routines, we have spent the week doing lots of team-building activities with a focus on communication and collaborative skills. The children's favourite projects have been: designing a futuristic classroom, hosting our very own Dragon's Den, and planning a post-lockdown party (pretend unfortunately). 



As it is British Science Week, some of our projects this week have involved using STEM skills. We have all had so much fun completing these projects. The children have all worked incredibly well in their teams and I could not be prouder of their growing confidence, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. 


Designing a Futuristic Classroom


As you know, this term we have been learning all about the Victorian era. This includes just how much schools have changed since these times (thankfully!). No longer do we use chalkboards, corporal punishment, or learn by constantly copying the teacher's notes! This got us thinking - how might schools change in 30 years time? 


In teams, the children worked together to design their own futuristic classroom. They thought about the implications of home learning and how this might affect schools in the future, as well as completing their own independent research. Once they negotiated on their ideas, the teams got to work by creating a classroom layout and their very own school prospectus. At the end of the day, each team had to 'sell' their school to the rest of the class by explaining how their ideas could positively impact teaching and learning. 


As voted by the children, our winner was... 




The other classroom designs were really amazing too!
















Dragon's Den


We have also been busy inventors in the classroom this week. For this project, the children watched a series of videos to spark some inspiration, before they came together as a group to discuss some problems that they could solve with new inventions. Each group then finalized their idea by creating diagrams and a poster to 'sell' their product to the dragons. Of course, they also had to create a prototype! We spent the entire afternoon using junk modelling materials to bring the children's inventions to life, and they loved it! 





What a creative week we have all had! From book reviews to descriptions of your favourite book characters, I have really enjoyed marking your fantastic work this week. I especially enjoyed seeing your creativity shine through as you wrote your very own short story! I know that you all loved having the freedom to write whatever you liked, and your passion definitely showed through your brilliant writing. I have attached some of your wonderful book reviews and short stories below. Well done Class 5/6 - I'll be seeing you all on Monday!!! 



One week and counting!


We're almost there guys! Just one more week of home learning until we're all back together in the classroom! Keep being amazing; better days are coming. 


This week we have started our new science topic of electricity - I know this isn't terribly exciting at home, but when we return to school we will be able to get our hands stuck in to all the fantastic experiments we have planned! Did anybody do any research on the electrical inventions that came about during the Victorian era? Let me know! 


This week we have also continued our reading of Gaslight and you have retold chapter 6 for our Big Write. You continue to blow me away with your applied writing skills! Our SPaG lesson this week was focused on using dialogue purposefully and effectively, and I was so happy to see many of you applying this in your Big Write. Keep this up guys! Next week, we will be putting Gaslight on hold until we are all back in school. This is to celebrate World Book Day - except we will be celebrating all week! Stay tuned for some really fun and creative activities. I think you're really going to enjoy our final week of home learning. blush




We made it! 


Finally! We've made it through the first part of the Spring term in lockdown! I know home learning has its challenges, but you have all exceeded my expectations and have done brilliantly. You must be so proud of yourselves; I've never been prouder of you all. The Class Meets have been my absolute favourite - being able to see your smiley faces and hear what you've been up to has often been the highlight of my day. Please take a well-earned break next week; try to get outdoors and leave the screens behind if you can. I'm sure your eyes will need a break too! 


Love, Miss Mee and Mrs Shorthose x





Chinese New Year Crafts

Painting our own Shirts!


Star Writers this Week!


Class 5/6, I was absolutely blown away by your writing today. You have all demonstrated a great understanding of the novel so far by putting yourself in Nansi's shoes. 


You will find this week's Star Writers below. These children have all been chosen for different reasons - this might be that they have shown great improvement from their previous work, they have used lots of ambitious vocabulary, or they have used impressive literary devices! The list could go on. I really enjoyed reading everyone's work this week. You all continue to make me the proudest teacher in the world. smiley


This Week's Home Learning


Another fantastic week Class 5/6! We have finished our learning of multiplication and division, started our new class novel 'Gaslight', and continued to express our creativity in the wider curriculum tasks! I have loved seeing your Queen Victoria sketches and so I have attached them below for you. You really are a talented bunch!!


In other good news, our class have won the Derbyshire Sumdog competition!! Well done everyone. Super proud of you all, as always.



Queen Victoria Sketches



This Week's Home Learning 


What a fantastic week of learning we have had! We have continued to practise our multiplication and division skills, written our own Kraken-inspired poems, learned all about the digestive system, developed our sketching skills, and so much more. Well done everyone! I continue to be amazed by you all. 


           Charlotte's Poem                                                   Jacob's Poem

Charlotte's poem


                      Jack's Sketch                                                            Liv's Poster










We've made it; we've got through the strangest term of school in history!! We've had a fantastic last week celebrating our success and getting excited for Christmas. Mrs Shorthose and I would just like to say a massive well done to each and every one of you. We are so proud of the progress you have made this term, and we can't wait to see what you do in 2021.


I'm aware that due to the current circumstances, we haven't been able to invite you into school to look at your children's fabulous work. Therefore, I asked the children to choose their favourite piece of writing to share with you on our class page. Each week (generally on a Friday), we complete a Big Write - which is essentially an extended piece of writing where we apply all of the skills we have learned that week. Your children may have chosen one of the following: 


  • A narrative - the children were tasked to rewrite the story Stone Age Boy (or Ug) from the perspective of another character
  • A letter - for our class book this term, we have been reading The Boy at the Back of the Class. This is a very touching story about refugees. We decided to write a letter to one of the characters in the book, who had a very controversial opinion on the matter.
  • A non-chronological report - the children spent time researching a Stone Age animal of their choice.
  • A biography - we spent Black History Month learning about several important people such as Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. The children were given a choice of who they would like to write a biography on. 
  • A newspaper report - more recently, the children were tasked to write a newspaper report on the mysterious man with the red scarf. He had been witnessed committing the same crime, over and over again...


I'm sure you'll agree that they have all made immense progress since September and I am absolutely beaming with pride. You will find their chosen writing in 'Our Best Work'. 


Although Christmas might look a little different for us this year, let's not forget the true meaning of this holiday - celebrating with the people we love and creating magical memories. We hope you have a restful and a very merry Christmas with all of your loved ones.


Love, Miss Mee and Mrs Shorthose x




Who Can Build the Tallest Tower?


This afternoon, we had some GREAT fun doing a team-building exercise. The children worked in groups of 4 to build the tallest tower that they could but there were strict rules they had to follow - they were only allowed to use scrap paper, straws, and sellotape. 


I was absolutely amazed with how well the children worked in their groups. They were inclusive and they listened to each other's ideas incredibly well. When their time was up, we had 6 very different-looking towers but of course we had to pick a winner.


A huge well done to...


Their tower was the tallest and the most stable.



This Week in Class 5/6


Christmas is nearly here! We are all very excited in Class 5/6 and have loved Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save the Children.



I'm sure by now you've all heard of our naughty elves Jinx and Jingle... so far they've been caught watching Christmas movies all night long, playing Jenga, and swinging from the tinsel. We even once came to school to find poor Jinx taped to the whiteboard!! Jinx soon took his revenge though - he trapped Jingle inside a Coca-Cola bottle! I wonder what shenanigans they'll get up to next week... 


Our Awards


...for consistently working so hard in Maths. It was no secret that FG loved Maths the moment we met. Her enthusiasm and passion really is admirable; you are an absolute superstar and I am so incredibly proud of you!




Our TOP Dojo Collectors this week are...

BS, EC and FP




This Week in Class 5/6


Even though our children are starting to feel tired with the end of term looming, they are all still working ever so hard. We've had a very busy week with lots of fun and exciting activities (one of which is a secret...). 


Our learning of the Stone Age has very sadly come to an end for now. To consolidate and show off what the children have learned, they worked in a pair to create a presentation. They were all so fantastic that it was an extremely difficult task to choose our winners, but here they are:


1st place 


2nd place


3rd place 

You can see the rest of the children's fabulous presentations in the tab 'Our Best Work'. 



Our Awards

...for being an excellent team player in your Stone Age presentation this week. Well done JS - you are a fantastic friend and your presentation was wonderful. You and your partner fully deserved 1st place. 




Our TOP Dojo collectors this week are...

EC, CJ, FG, CH, HS, JS, UO and JM




Our Awards this Week


... for working so hard in his last week at Ros. You absolutely smashed your work on fractions and we are so proud of you. We will all miss you and your lovely smile. Good luck!!





Our TOP Dojo collectors this week are...

EP and MH



This Week in Class 5/6


We've had a creative and thoughtful week in Class 5/6. For Friendship Week, we have discussed this year's theme and created our own socks to express our individuality and celebrate diversity. (Did you see them? We hung them around the front of the school. We think they looked fantastic!!) 



In Class 5/6, we really value the importance of kindness. So, we decided to create our own Kindness box, where children can write something special for somebody in the class. We then read these notes out on a Friday.


You may also have noticed that we have started our own 'Star of the Week', where a child is chosen at random, and we then write something special about that person. This creates a poster of compliments for that individual, which they can then take home as a keepsake. In order for every child to be chosen before Mrs Daniels returns, there will be two 'Star of the Week's, one on a Monday, and the other on the Friday. 



Our Awards

...for consistently working hard and displaying exemplary behaviour every single day. CH, you are a fantastic role model for your peers and you are a kind, caring and wonderful friend. This week, you have amazed me with your writing. You have included all kinds of greater depth punctuation, and lots of ambitious vocabulary. Really well done - keep it up! 





Our TOP Dojo collectors this week are...

NB and OB





Pen licenses have been awarded to...





This Week in Class 5/6


It's been another fantastic and busy week in Class 5/6. On Wednesday, we participated in a socially distanced whole school worship to commemorate Remembrance Day, with two of our very own children sharing very special prayers. We then visited the churchyard where we lay down the poppy wreath, that we had created collectively, at the war memorial. 


We remember those who gave their tomorrow for our today. 


In our topic learning this week, we have learned all about the Stone Age diet. We travelled back in time and took on the role of hunter-gatherers. Some of us had the responsibility of hunting animals - we hadn't heard of any of the animals' names before! Some of the animals included glyptodons, mastodons, and a sabre-toothed cat. The rest of us had the responsibility of gathering berries, nuts and seeds. We had to be careful though - some of these were poisonous!!



Our Awards

...for working so hard this week. You have amazed me with your new success in using the semi-colon, and your confidence when reading a prayer in front of the whole school! Not to mention you've also been awarded your pen license this week!!



Our TOP Dojo collectors this week are...

JMa and CW



Pen licenses have been awarded to...

AW, EP, DD, NB, MG and EC



Our New Eco-Warrior Representatives


Last week, some of our children campaigned to become an Eco-Warrior by presenting to the entire class. I must say, I am incredibly proud of each and every child who prepared for this. You were all so brave and confident as you spoke in front of the class. A huge well don

e to you all! 


After a fantastic week, the class have voted and we are proud to say that Frankie and Eleanor will be our new Eco-warriors. 





Making our own Fossils!


This term, we are learning all about evolution and inheritance in our Science lessons. We absolutely loved making our own fossils last week, and I am so proud of how they turned out. These were the instructions we followed (in case anyone wants to have another go!):


1. Make a boat like shape using plasticine.

  We actually used modelling clay, but we realised that this probably wasn't the best choice!!


2. Make an imprint into the plasticine using toy dinosaurs.


3. Pour in a mixture of Plaster of Paris into the plasticine and imprint.


4. Leave the fossil to dry for a couple of days before peeling away the plasticine. 



Look at how fantastic our replica fossils turned out!!



Painting Cave Art


We are all so excited to be learning lots about the Stone Age this term. In English, we have been reading a lovely story called Stone Age Boy. This is a fantastic book that is not only super enjoyable, but it is really educational too! We have learned that Neanderthals may have created cave paintings to communicate, tell stories, or even as part of rituals. 


On our first Friday back at school, we had a go at creating our own cave paintings. We wanted to do this as realistic as we could, so we used sandpaper as our canvas, and only colours that resembled the natural materials the Neanderthals would have used. I was very mean and would only let them use the wrong end of the paintbrushes, as they only used sticks or their fingers in the Stone Age! 


The children were absolutely amazing and their artwork has really livened up our topic display. I thought you all might like to see! 



Welcome back Class 5/6!


I have had the most wonderful first week of school getting to know each and every one of you. You would never have guessed that you have had almost six months away from school! I am so incredibly proud of you all for how well you have readjusted back to school life.


Our PE days will be every Monday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child arrives to school wearing their

PE kit on those days. Earrings should be removed before coming to school if the children cannot remove them themselves.


Reading diaries and reading books have now been distributed, and they should be brought into school daily. In due course, homework and spellings will also start up again. In addition to children bringing home their own copy of these, they will also be updated onto our class page (just in case we have any dogs that like to eat homework!). New spelling words will be given to the children every Thursday, and they will be tested the following Friday. This gives the children 8 days to practise!


Homework will be given to children on Thursday afternoon and should be returned to school on the Monday morning. This means that the children can ask for support should they need any on the Friday, but also that the homework can be quarantined for the appropriate number of days to allow for marking and redistribution. 


I feel so lucky to be your children's teacher this year, and I know that we are going to have so much fun together. Please do not hesitate to send the school office an email if you have any questions or concerns at all. We are more than happy to ease your worries and support you in any way we can.


Miss Mee


