Home Learning
Please find below the home learning and resources for Badgers. If you need to access the home learning and have any questions regarding the work below, please don't hesitate to get in touch via the office email.
Friday 11th March 2022
Have a go at your spellings for this week.
Look at yesterday's character description - edit and improve your writing by checking spellings, punctuation etc. and improve by adding even more descriptive language.
Thursday 10th March 2022
Using your ideas from yesterday, write a character description based on your photo. Remember to write in clear sentences and use plenty of description. Reread the description of Mr Twit to help you.
Wednesday 9th March 2022
Read the character description of Mr Twit. Highlight any examples of descriptive language used to describe him.
Take a look at the ideas for character description on the ideas mat and use these and ideas of your own to create a brainstorm of ideas which could be used to describe a person from one of the photographs uploaded below.

Tuesday 8th March 2022
Monday 7th March 2022
Work through the PowerPoint and then complete the activity sheet.
Read Chapter 7.
Look closely at the chapter for descriptions of prisoner 42 and highlight any examples.
What do each of the words actually mean? Use dictionaries to find the meaning of unknown words.
Can you draw what you think prisoner 42 might look like using the details from the chapter?
Week Commencing 17th January 2022
Monday Resources
Tuesday Resources
Wednesday Resources
Thursday Resources
Friday Resources

Friday 14th January 2022
Week Commencing 22nd November 2021
Week Commencing 15th November 2021