Welcome To Beavers
Welcome to Beavers
We're taught by Miss Twells. Our teaching assistants are Mrs Foster and Mrs Workman who lead lessons all day on a Friday closely supported by Miss Twells.
We have Mr Webster for P.E. on a Wednesday afternoon for 1 hour and Miss Clason for PE coaching on a Friday afternoon for 1 hour.
We have our spelling test every Friday morning. We have been given our spelling lists for this term, but these are also on our Class page, under Spellings and Homework. We'll get one piece of homework a week, alternating between Maths and English. Homework is handed out on a Friday and is due back in on a Wednesday. We should practice our spellings and be reading our books at home. Reading books are changed on a Tuesday and a Thursday.
Welcome back Beavers! It was so lovely to see you all again after the summer holidays. I hope you all feel well rested and are eager and ready to learn lots of exciting things this year.
It was lovely to welcome all of our new reception children today who had lots of fun exploring their new school and making lots of new friends.