Class Blog
Tuesday 11th July 2023
We have had a brilliant morning baking Roman honey biscuits, decorating Roman mosaic vases and making Roman purses. A great way to end our topic and the biscuits tasted great too!

Tuesday 27th June 2023
We’ve been learning about the water cycle in Science. Today, we created our own mini water cycles.
Friday 23rd June 2023
We have just finished our virtual author visit from Nathan Bryon and Dapo Adeola…. We got our questions answered and even got a shout out!
Tuesday 21st June 2023
Some fantastic self and peer assessment in English. We have been retelling our class novel from the point of view of a different character.

Tuesday 6th June 2023
Sorting triangles.

Thursday 25th May 2023
The best way to learn French is with sweets and biscuits!
Tuesday 9th May
Investigating mirrors and light in Science! Ask us what happens to our reflection when we look at a convex or concave mirror or how we moved the light without moving the torch!

Tuesday 25th April
This afternoon, we were learning about how light is reflected off surfaces to allow us to see. We tested different materials to see which were the most and least reflective.

Friday 31st March
Celebrating Easter!
Monday 20th March 2023
We can finally share what we have been working hard with Mrs Gaunt in French on… creating these fabulous Mother’s Day cards!

Monday 13th March 2023
We had a great time meeting author Stephen Pass for a workshop this afternoon!
Friday 10th March 2023
In Science today, and linking in brilliantly with our topic and English work, we have been finding out more about the threats faced by different animals and habitats. We enjoyed learning this song during the lesson.
Tuesday 28th February 2023
Today’s topic lesson was all about tornadoes, so we made our own!

Tuesday 7th February 2023
We’ve been using real money to help us today… Here we are finding different ways to make 50p using only silver coins.

Friday 3rd February 2023
This afternoon, we learnt about Hindu worship at home and at the mandir. We created our own shrines based on what we have learnt about puja.

Monday 30th January 2023
Wow! Our versions of Jules Tavernier’s volcano art are fantastic! Here are a few of them with the originals!

Friday 27th January
Some fabulous setting descriptions from Years 2, 3 and 4. We are currently reading ‘Escape from Pompeii’ by Christina Balit and we have been focusing on the start of the book which is set in Pompeii before the eruption of Vesuvius.

Tuesday 17th January 2023
Sorting animals into different groups in Science.

Monday 16th January 2023
As part of our Earth SOS topic, we created our own volcanoes!

Monday 16th January 2023
Some of the fabulous double page spreads created by years 2, 3 and 4 about Pompeii.

Monday 9th January 2022
Before starting our new topic this afternoon, we took a look at our tomatoes from last term. Can you tell which one was 'mummified'?
Then to launch our new topic, Earth SOS, we made models of the earth, adding a layer at a time before cutting them in half to reveal what lies beneath our feet!

Monday 19th December 2022
Spoiler alert… we have some incredibly talented artists in Years 2, 3 and 4!
Friday 9th December 2022
What a fantastic week in school this week. On Tuesday morning, we welcomed our parents and carers to see what we have been up to this term and to help us make our double crowns of Egypt using the instructions we wrote earlier in the term. Tonight, we took to the stage in our opening night of ‘A Night at the Musicals’. We have some incredibly talented badgers and certainly made our parents proud (and our teachers cry!). Only a week and a half left of the Autumn term and so much fun still to be had!
Friday 18th November 2022
Painting our canopic jars!
Friday 18th November 2022
In Maths this morning, we had a go at finding the answer to a tricky investigation...
Take a look by using the link below!

Thursday 17th November 2022
Mastering Maths…. Today Year 4 became the teachers!

Tuesday 15th November 2022
Science this afternoon…. testing the viscosity of different liquids.

Thursday 13th October 2022
We had a brilliant time this morning at Rosliston Forestry Centre's Rolls Royce Science Festival!

Tuesday 11th October
This afternoon, we carried out our own mummification! We followed a set of instructions to mummify a tomato and then wrote the instructions ourselves. We will be comparing our mummified tomato and one we haven’t mummified each week until Christmas to see what happens!

Monday 10th October 2022
Our non-chronological reports about Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses are coming along nicely.

Wednesday 5th October 2022
Today, we took part in a BBC Live lesson celebrating Black History Month. We learnt about influential people from the work of music, politics and literature. We thought about our dreams for the future and and about what the word RESPECT means to us.
Monday 26th September 2022
This afternoon, we have been looking at evidence from the past to find out more about Ancient Egypt. We each had a different photo of an artefact from Ancient Egypt to answer questions on. At the end of the lesson, we talked about what the artefacts were to see if we were right!
Friday 23rd September 2022
Today’s Maths was all about Place Value and finding all possibilities. Each group had 6 beads to put on their abacus; Year 2 had to find as many 2-digit numbers as possible, Year 3 as many 3-digit and Year 4 as many 4-digit. Lots of discussion about how we could find all of the possibilities by using our logic.

Monday 19th September 2022
Over the past 2 weeks, Badgers have been working on our own collaborative masterpiece for our classroom. We love it!
Tuesday 13th September 2022
Today we began looking at our class book, Egyptian Cinderella. We looked at the front cover of the book and made predictions about what might be inside!
Friday 9th September 2022
This week, we have been using the book 'The Planet in a Pickle Jar', in our English lessons. We created our own 'pickle jars', containing the things that were most important to us.