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Wider Curriculum

Week beginning 21st March:


Art: Mother's Day Cards

We made these cards for our Mums or Grandmas. If you have resources at home, you could try and make your own. If not, design and make your own card!

French: Days of the week

We've revised the days of the week. Please see the activities below.

Science/DT: Engineering Project

We had the engineer in school all day on Wednesday and made our own trains out of MDF wood and other materials. Can you design and make your own moving train out of household items or recycling?



WB 8th March 2022


Following the completion of our Science topic on Earth and Space this term, the children now have the opportunity to take responsibility for furthering their knowledge in a particular area that we have covered. 

So far this term we have learned about:-

  • The phases of the moon.
  • The order of the planets
  • Orbit and rotation of planets and moons
  • Classification of planets, moons and satellites.
  • Heliocentric and Geocentric models.

The children have been asked to select a particular area such as planets, and create a project looking at far greater depth at that particular area of Earth and Space. 

For example, following our reading of Curiosity: The story of the Mars Rover - you may want to learn all there is to know about Mars, fabulous! You could want to know more about the movement of the moon, its phases and how this impacts us on Earth - amazing! Over the next three weeks, the children have the opportunity to research their chosen area in depth and produce a presentation on it.

The project can be presented on:-

  • Power Point
  • A Poster
  • Models
  • Information leaflet.

The choice is theirs. It must be fun, informative and have some interactive features in it, like a quiz or movable pieces to grab the attention of the viewer.

I cant wait to see all of the fantastic presentations!


This week (6th December 2021), we're going to be learning our Christmas song, that we're going to perform and share with our families via email. We'll upload more information once the class have decided which song they'd like to sing! 


We're going to be drawing portraits of the staff for our school website, completing a pupil voice survey from OFSTED in PSHE (thinking about the contribution we make to our school life) and revising what we've learned about Incarnation in RE. 


Please look at The Oak Academy (link below) for some excellent Wider Curriculum lessons for this week! 

As well as the French work above, please see:


BBC Bitesize

The Oak Academy



for additional Wider Curriculum lessons, as well as the links/home learning packs on the main 'Home Learning' page. 
