Latest News
12/3/20 Forestry Centre Trip - We had a brilliant time pond dipping and building bridges!
27/2/20 - Class 3 / 4 Viking Showcase. A huge thank you to everyone who came this afternoon.
14/2/20 - Friendship Day
8/1/20 - Sculpting and labelling salt dough teeth
7/1/20 Finding fractions of numbers in Maths.
18/12/19 Check out our reindeer cakes! We baked them yesterday and decorated them this morning.
17/12/19 Meet Batpants, our cuddly orangutan. Instead of giving individual gifts, we have sponsored an orangutan through the WWF. The children decided to name him after the orangutan in the Jeremy Strong book we read earlier this term.
17/12/19 We've been busy today! Here's our fabulous gingerbread house.
Friday 13th December is our Christmas treat day! We have been working hard to get enough Dojos to earn a Christmas movie pj morning. Come to school in your normal uniform but bring your pjs and slippers to change into.