Subject Resources
Resources for wc 6th July
- 2D Shape activity ideas
- 3D Shape activity ideas
- Biscuity chocolate truffles picture.
- Biscuity Chocolate Truffles
- Colour by shape
- Label the parts of the insect
- Letter from Denzil the Nature Detective
- Mini beast book list
- Mini beast detective hunt
- Mini Beast Split Prin Craft
- Name that shape quiz 2D
- Name that shape quiz 3D
- skeletons
- Spot the difference Detective sheet
Resources for wc 29th June
Resources for wc 22nd June
- Caterpillar repeating patterns
- The Hare and the Tortoise story and comprehension questions
- Continue the repeating pattern cards
- Pattern Learning Challenges
- Purple activity pack
- Sentence building cards
- Sports colouring sheets
- Parma Violet Cup Cakes
- Parma Violet Cupcakes Recipe
- Weekly Theme Plan National Sport's Week
Resources for wc 15th June
- Size sorting and ordering cut outs MONDAY
- Under the sea What AM I description game. MONDAY
- Reading Comprehension Activity MONDAY
- Solving problems relating to size and height MONDAY FRIDAY
- Heavy or Light Maths Chart TUESDAY
- Tuesday Literacy caption and sentence writing prompts
- Potion Capacity Powerpoint WEDNESDAY
- Using Positional Language Challenges THURSDAY.
- Good Friend Discussion Sorting Cards FRIDAY
- What does friendship mean FRIDAY.
- Under the Sea additional writing activities
- Under the sea craft ideas
Resources for wc 8th June
- Finding the total of two groups Monday
- Addition Extension Challenge cards Tuesday
- Can I write my own additions Tuesday
- Real Life Heroes Tuesday
- Subtraction activity sheets Wednesday
- What is Subtraction Wednesday
- Superhero passport writing frame Thursday
- Subtraction from 10 challenge cards Thursday
- Subtraction Extension Challenge cards Thursday
- Board game adding and takeaway Friday
- Adding and subtracting colour challenge Friday
- Additional Writing activities
- Science Experiment Cola Super Fountain
- Science Experiment Flying Superheroes
- Science Experiment Magnets
- Superhero and Scene for Magnet experiment
Resources for wc 1st June
- Writing Monday Can I write a list?
- Splat 100 square Monday
- Alternative Dinosaur writing activity
- Blank 100 square Tuesday
- Can you fill in the missing numbers Tuesday
- Dinosaur order the numbers Wednesday
- One more one less home challenges Thursday
- More and less word problems Thursday
- Writing Thursday Picture Prompts
- Count the dinosaurs Friday
- dinosaur matching game Friday
- dinosaur songs and rhymes
Half Term activity sheets
Phonics Play Comics These could be used for reading, they offer comics from phase 2 on wards.
Resources for wc 18th May
- Real Life Halves
- Halving challenges
- Two halves play doh
- Ladybird Halving sheet
- Doubling Activites
- Doubling and Halving consolidation game (not on planning but thought it might be useful)
- Is it a double or not
- lady bird doubling
- Doubling challenges
- Printable Doubling game. Print, cut, mix up and match
- Sharing challenges
- Phonics Blending Bingo
- Book review template
- Highway rat colouring sheet 2
- Highway rat colouring sheet
- Highway rat Hobby Horse activity
- 65 fun things to do at home
- Scissor skills
Resources for wc 27th April
- Monday Phase 4 Reading activity sheets.
- Monday. Phase 2 reading activity sheets.
- Monday. Phase 3 Reading activity sheets.
- Tuesday. Phase 2 Spelling Sheet. To save printing write a list of words.
- Tuesday. Phase 3 spelling sheet. To save printing write a list of words.
- Tuesday. Phase 4 spelling sheet. To save printing write a list of words.
- Directed sentence writing prompts. Wednesday
- Phase 2 tricky word booklet.
- Phase 3 tricky word booklet.
- Phase 4 tricky word booklet.
- Gruffalo Colouring Sheet.
- Monday Phase 3 Buried Treasure.
- Monday. Phase 2 Buried Treasure.
- Monday. Phase 4 Buried Treasure.