Autumn Term: 2022
Ancient Maya
We use the White Rose curriculum for Maths, in line with the rest of the school. We focus on Mastery and developing strong number knowledge. This term we will be focusing on Place Value, Addition, Subtraction, Division and Multiplication and finishing with Fractions. We regularly practise our times tables, as these are the foundation of so many mathematical concepts. Children are encouraged to show their understanding using concrete, abstract, pictorial and verbal reasoning. We have access to Times Table Rockstars, which is a really fun app and website, on which children can challenge each other (and staff) to times table battles. Children can also use this independently to practise their tables in a fun way! Other games children may wish to access at home include, Hit The Button and Coconut Multiples. Both of these are safe, tablet friendly games, accessed through the Top Marks website.
We use the Literacy Shed VIPERS and the Writing Sequence in English. VIPERS help us practise our comprehension and allow us to develop higher order reading skills such as inference and explanation. We practise our spellings regularly and think about grammar concepts weekly. We teach English through high quality texts, linked to our termly topic. This term, we'll be looking at 'The Chocolate Tree' and 'The Hero Twins', which are linked with our exciting class topic. We encourage children to read books from our school library, but also magazines, eBooks, newspapers, sports articles and many other text types.
We use Accelerated Reader to assess and monitor reading progress. Through this, we have access to the MyOn Library, which is an online library of eBooks!
Our topic for this term is 'Animals, Including Humans'. This unit will be focusing on:-
- the human timeline
- the growth of babies
- changes in old age
- gestation periods
- life expectancy
We will be exploring humans as a species of mammals, in a sub-group called primates that also included orangutans, gorillas, and chimpanzees. We will learn how to identify an animal as a mammal, through physical and other characteristics, leading us on to exploring how different animals gestate and feed their young. Within this unit we will compare mammals, including humans, with birds, reptiles, amphibians, and even fish!
Wider Curriculum
Our topic for this term is 'Chocolate and Chichen Itza' - The Ancient Maya Civilization. We'll be learning all about who the Mayan people were, where they lived and how their communities worked together in all aspects of daily life. We will delve into how they invented chocolate (yay!), their ancient game of Pok-a-Tok, Chichen Itza and other amazing temples, as well as trade, glyphs and masks.
We're hoping to have a theme day in December to celebrate all we have learned about the topic.
Mrs Daniels will be teaching us French on Monday afternoons! We use Rising Stars for this.
We'll use Charanga for Music, as well as practising for our Christmas performance.
Computing - we will be following ICT with MR P's progression and covering topics such as coding and programming.
We will be using the Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus for RE and covering a range of theological topics.
We use Entrust planning for PSHE and will be learning about 'Me and My School', linking to the British values of democracy, individual liberty and respect. This will be supported by weekly 'Picture News' sessions!