Class Blog
Having a try at coding using Scratch.
We have been learning about habitats in science this term. Last week we went on a mini-beast hunt to discover where mini-beasts could be found in the school garden. This week, the children have read 'Superworm' and made a wormery together.
Reception have explored pattern this week.
4.4.22 - Year 1 and 2 looking for symmetry outdoors
4.4.22 - We have been learning different weaving techniques this term in D&T. The children have used the skills that they have developed to create their own looms and woven artwork using different materials.
Having fun in our newly refurbished outdoor area :D
As part of science week, we had a visit from an engineer from Wabtec who helped the children in Year 1 and 2 work with the Year 3s to build their own trains with a safety mechanism. The children thoroughly enjoyed their day and relished the opportunity to work with a real engineer.
7.3.22 - The whole class worked together to create spring artwork using weaving techniques and collage for our window display
Performing Rumble in the Jungle with a green screen
The children have been learning about the Arctic and Antarctic regions as part of their 'Life in the Freezer' topic. They have found out how igloos keep people warm and have made their own igloos from a range of materials. In science, they have carried out a 'blubber gloves' experiment to find out how blubber keeps animals warm and researched how penguin and polar bear bodies are adapted to help them to survive in a polar environment. In English, the children have been using the internet and non-fiction texts to research penguins in order to create their own information books at the end of topic.
Here are some examples of our current continuous provision on offer to the children. Continuous provision is play-based learning that the children can access in the absence of an adult. The children love the freedom of choosing their own activities which are carefully planned to move them on with their learning and next steps.
This week we have been learning about how igloos can keep people warm. We had a go at making our own igloos using paper bowls, tubes and marshmellows. The classroom smelled lovely but was rather sticky afterwards :D
18.1.22 - The children went on a 'winter hunt' around the new school garden and in our outdoor area. They found many signs of winter including frosty cobwebs, ice in the water tray and little clouds when they blew out because it was so cold! The children loved drawing in the ice on the benches using their fingers and sticks.
Away in a Manger
Little Snowflake
Christmas Dinner
We have been learning about the story of the Nativity and making our own scenes using different materials.
Our amazing Lowry inspired collages.
7.12.21 Year 1 and 2 are learning all about money in maths this week.
Making our own playdoh gingerbread men
Celebrating Diwali
Reception maths - exploring 1,2,3
3.11.21 Following instructions to make chocolate apples
For Space Day, we made bicarbonate of soda 'planets' and observed the reaction when we dropped vinegar onto them. We could see and hear the bubbles fizzing and popping! It was so exciting!
20.9.21 - Today, we learned about viaducts and aquaducts as part of our 'All Aboard' topic. We looked at photographs of famous aquaducts and viaducts from around Britain and discussed how they had been built. The children worked well in teams using whichever materials they thought would be suitable to make their own viaducts and aquaducts. Mrs Sutton was very proud of how the children listened to each others ideas and were so resourceful in using the outdoor and indoor equipment to build their structures.
13.9.21 We started off our design and technology topic by reading Iggy peck Architect and making our own bridges from a variety of materials. The children enjoyed accessing this activity during choosing time and worked brilliantly together! They had some wonderfully creative ideas and joined materials in lots of different ways :)
11.9.21 The Colour Monster biscuit making
6.9.21 - Our first day back at school.
The children had a wonderful first day back (or first day) at school! The older children did a fantastic job of looking after the new reception group and helped them to find their way around. There was a lot to explore both inside and out and the children enjoyed making new friends and playing together :).