Safeguarding and Early Help
Rosliston CE Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. Our aim is for every child who attends our school to feel safe and happy. Whilst safeguarding children and young people is everyone's responsibility, we have a dedicated Safeguarding Team in school to manage concerns and co-ordinate with other agencies.
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Mrs J Daniels
Deputy Designated Lead (DDSL) Mrs C Losty
Governor Responsible for Safeguarding Mrs C Preston
If, for any reason, a member of our Safeguarding Team is unavailable in school, we have an arrangement with another local Headteacher who can be contacted for support.
Staff in school have a duty under the law to report any concerns that a child may be suffering significant harm, in particular if it could be as a result of abuse. In line with our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy (that can be found under Key Information - Policies), any concerns a staff member has will be raised with the senior staff responsible for Child Protection (Safeguarding Team as above). The team have received advanced safeguarding training as well as regular updates.
At Rosliston, we work closely with other local schools, Derbyshire Children's Services, the Health Service and the Police, who may be involved if abuse is alleged or suspected. The school has a responsibility to collate basic information, such as who has parental responsibility for a child, and to pass this information on to the relevant agencies if requested. We also have a duty to cooperate to the best of our ability with any investigations into possible cases of child abuse to ensure the welfare of children and young people. Whilst our aim is to work in partnership with our families, if there is any conflict of interest in informing or including parents/carers with investigations around concerns, the welfare of the children will always be our priority and inform our decision making.
Rosliston CE Primary School follows Safer Recruitment practices when employing members of staff. All staff and regular volunteers have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Check and all staff and governors receive regular update training on Safeguarding.
If you have any questions about Safeguarding in school the please contact a member of the Safeguarding Team via the School Office.
Are you worried about a child?
If you have concerns that a child is being harmed or living in circumstances that might be harmful in the future, these concerns will always be taken seriously.
You may be worried about what might happen to you or your family if you report your concerns. When someone makes a call to talk about their concerns, they will always be asked for their name and contact details - so they can be contacted again if needed. However, you can ask for your details to remain confidential, or provide information anonymously.
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. If you have any concerns about a child or young person in our community then please contact:
Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership: 01629 533190
The NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.
Derbyshire Police
If you believe that a child or an adult is at immediate risk of harm and in need of protection then you should call the Police - 999, straight away.
Alternatively if you want advice from the Police and the child or adult is not in immediate need of protection, you can call the Police on the telephone number 101.
Please do not keep your worries to yourself
The Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Procedures set out in detail how concerns about the welfare of children are looked into and gives information about local contacts, including where staff can get further advice and information.
Think Family
You may also be concerned about the welfare of an adult living in the same home as a pupil.
If you are the victim of abuse, or you think you know someone who is being or has been abused, it is really important to get help and advice:
- In Derbyshire this should be via Call Derbyshire 01629 533190 between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday, and between 9.30am and 4pm on Saturdays. Outside these times contact the out of hours service 01629 532600.
How to Contact Derbyshire Police
Derbyshire Police Covid-19 and Domestic Abuse Advice
Our Policies
Early Help
Children and their families may experience a range of needs at different times in their lives. All children and young people require access to high quality universal services but some also benefit from targeted support to address additional needs which relate to education, health, social welfare, or other issues. It is important to us to provide a high quality early help offer. Our main aim is that outcomes for childrenand their families will be improved by ensuring that all children are able to be healthy, safe, valued and achieve their full potential.
Rosliston CE Primary School work with the Early Help team based at Pingle School to provide our early help. Our offer meets local need through integrated and streamlined working practices and delivers cost effective, sustainable services.
For more information, please click on the links below.